Raum E116 presenta para Hybrid Art Fair 2025 un proyecto expositivo vital, refrescante, intenso y colorido. La propuesta artística de Raum E116 reúne a los artistas que han desarrollado su actividad durante el último año en la órbita de la casa-taller.
El heterodoxo espacio expositivo que constituye la habitación de un hotel se adecúa y transforma de acuerdo a las necesidades curatoriales de la obra presentada, preservando la esencia de ese particular espacio, sin convertirse en una propuesta totalmente instalativa.
El vibrante y gestual trabajo de Vallejo, el collage irreverente de Puñal, la obra sensual y directa de Steckbauer, el dibujo luminoso de Guirao y la mirada a veces distópica de Frutos articulan un proyecto donde los extremos dialogan y componen una visión multifacetada y dinámica. Temáticas como la memoria, la documentación, la sexualidad y un cierto ‘glamour underground’ dialogan con experimentos abstractos de color y forma.
Raum E116 presents for Hybrid Art Fair 2025 a vital, refreshing, intense and colorful exhibition project. The artistic proposal of Raum E116 brings together artists who have developed their activity during the last year in the orbit of the house-workshop.
The heterodox exhibition space that constitutes the room of a hotel is adapted and transformed according to the curatorial needs of the work presented, preserving the essence of that particular space, without becoming a totally installative proposal.
The vibrant and gestural work of Vallejo, the irreverent collage of Puñal, the sensual and direct work of Steckbauer, the luminous drawing of Guirao and the sometimes dystopian gaze of Frutos articulate a project where extremes dialogue and compose a multifaceted and dynamic vision. Themes such as memory, documentation, sexuality and a certain 'underground glamour' dialogue with abstract experiments in color and form.
Hybrid Art Fair es un evento internacional de arte contemporáneo diferente y disruptivo centrado en presentar propuestas experimentales, instalaciones site-specific y potenciar la mezcla de disciplinas. Se ha posicionado como el trampolín por excelencia para artistas emergentes y de media carrera y es un punto de encuentro imperdible para coleccionistas.
Hybrid Art Fair ofrece un espacio único para dar visibilidad a proyectos arriesgados y expandir los horizontes profesionales de iniciativas independientes y galerías jóvenes.
Hybrid Art Fair is a different and disruptive international contemporary art event focused on presenting experimental proposals, site-specific installations and promoting the mixing of disciplines. It has positioned itself as the springboard par excellence for emerging and mid-career artists and is an unmissable meeting point for collectors.
Hybrid Art Fair offers a unique space to give visibility to risky projects and expand the professional horizons of independent initiatives and young galleries.
Sergio Frutos. Parque de Westfalia, Dortmund. Acrílico sobre lienzo, 120 x 120 cm.
Alicia Guirao. Iluminada. Risografía sobre papel Munken Pure Rough, 59 x 42 cm.
Leo Puñal. PyL went to the city. Collage, 27 x 17 cm. Marco 31 x 43 cm.
Melissa Steckbauer. Sin título. Impresión intervenida sobre papel, 21 x 29.7 cm.
Paco Vallejo. Planetas y lazos. Técnica mixta sobre lienzo, 130 x 110 cm.
For this edition Raum E116 collaborates with Espacio La Cabina, Madrid, bringing three artists to participate in the exhibition. Parafiliarte, Chus Martínez and Likeamarmota, together with the usual suspects and friends of Raum E116, Sergio Frutos, Paco Vallejo, Leo Puñal and Diora Reshetnikova, present a colorful and vibrant proposal which tells us about the far distant sounds of the city. A constellation of works and experiences from artists that have been collaborating with Raum E116 in the last year.
The revolving deck with its obliging animals skims the surface of the ground.
It is at the height best suited to dreams of flying.
Walter Benjamin, “The Carousel” From Berlin Childhood Around 1900
A Carousel is a reflection of the city, appeal to us through glowing dancing lights and its repetitive cadence, symbolizes an evocative melancholy, as do modern media and contemporary art, which evolve and dialog with the city, as one of those twinkling stars in the night. The show Carousel brings a selection of works that revolve around the absurd, bright and starving city that is the Metropoli, as well as about ugly feelings or uneasy emotions that invade us in such a constant turning, from anxiety to cuteness, in the cracks where private and common spheres breathe together.
...In the silence of the night, the music of the carousel could still be heard in the distance.
Concept: Ewa Majewska
48 Stunden Neukölln
As a forum for artistic projects from all sectors of the Berlin art scene, the 48 Stunden Neukölln Festival, presents and promotes art that contributes to the discussion of current social issues and reflects on them. Since its founding in 1999, 48 Stunden Neukölln has established itself as Berlin´s largest independent art festival with its exemplary character. The artistic works created here act as impulses far beyond Berlin-Neukölln, take a stand on issues affecting society as a whole, and promote a sustained exchange with the international art scene.
Paco Vallejo - Flores I. Mixed media on canvas, 200 x 200 cm
Indalecio Marrero - Kraftwerk. Cyanotype on Hahnemühle paper, 20 x 30 cm
Alicia Guirao - Black Horse. Giclée print on Hahnemühle paper
Samuel Nieto - Polaris. Acrylic and pigment liner on canvas, 120 x 140 cm
Sergio Frutos - The Party. Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 130 cm
A mob is a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
British - informal: a group of people in the same place or with something in common.
Australian: Australia's First Nations Peoples extended family or community.
Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au and atomic number 79. In popular culture gold is a high standard of excellence, often used in awards. In some forms of Christianity and Judaism, gold has been associated both with the sacred and evil.
Glück is a German word that translates to "luck" or "fortune" in English. It refers to a positive and fortunate circumstance or event that brings happiness and satisfaction.
The exhibition brings together eight artists, from Australia, Spain and Greece, all friends of Raum E116. This wild mix invites you to celebrate Mob Gold Glück in all or any of the possible meanings.